Trip planning

How to get from Milan to Genoa and from Genoa to Milan

The distance from Milan to Genoa is about 140 km. They can be overcome in about 2 hours by train, bus or car - the difference will only be in price and travel conditions. In this article, you will learn about the main ways to get from Milan to Genoa and vice versa, as well as the pros and cons of each option. Since the main way to travel across mainland Italy is by train, it is from this that we will begin.

Train Genoa Genoa

The most popular, fastest, and in some cases the cheapest way to get from Milan to Genoa is by train. Between Milan and Genoa, both regional and high-speed trains run.

Regional trains leave for Genoa from the Milano Centrale station approximately every two hours, from 6:25 a.m. to 18:25 p.m. Travel time is approximately 2 hours. In Genoa, the train arrives at the Piazza Principe station. Ticket prices start at 13.45 euros (second grade) and 20.25 euros (first grade).

Regional and high-speed trains run between Milan and Genoa

Frecciabianca high-speed train leaves Milan for Genoa only once a day - at 13:10, and the journey takes about 1 hour 45 minutes. The cost of tickets can vary depending on how many days before the trip you purchase tickets, and on average the price varies from 20 to 27 euros (second class).

The Intercity intercity train covers the distance between Milan and Genoa in 1 hour 30 minutes, while the price of the ticket, oddly enough, is also lower - from 13 to 22 euros (second class). Intercity trains start at 6:10 a.m. and end at 20:00 p.m.

From Genoa to Milan, trains start operating at 05:42, and the last train leaves at 21:45. It is important to know that there are not one, but two stations in Genoa - in addition to the already mentioned Genova Piazza Principe, there is also a Genova Brignole. Trains, as a rule, pass both stations on their way, but it is always better to clarify this when buying a ticket.

Tickets can be purchased at the box office, in a vending machine at the station or via the Internet. At the same time, it is the online purchase that is the best way, because this way you are guaranteed to provide yourself a ticket.

Trains from Milan to Genoa depart from Milano Centrale Station

One of the most convenient services for this case is the fully Russified service. Here is a schedule of not only the largest railway operator, but also alternative companies, whose tickets are often cheaper.

The purchase procedure takes several minutes, and the ticket arrives at the specified email in PDF format immediately after payment. It remains only to print and take with you.

By the way, another advantage of online tickets is that most of them are issued with the time of train departure and marked “pre-validated”. Such tickets can not compost before boarding the train, and many tourists are often confused with this.

For high-speed trains, the tickets which indicate the places in the car and the time of departure, compost the tickets don't need either.

Ticket composting machines are located at the entrance to the platform

If you buy a ticket at the box office or machine at the station, then you need to compost them necessarily. Composting machines are installed at all stations at the entrance to the platform.

The controllers check the availability of tickets already in the train itself while driving, while the non-validated ticket is considered invalid.

You can check the current Milan-Genoa train schedule and purchase tickets online on this page.

From Milan to Genoa by bus

Intercity bus routes between Milan and Genoa are served by companies such as Baltour and Bus Center, but Flixbus is the most well-known and popular operator among Europeans.

The main advantage of buses is the price. As a rule, tickets for them are cheaper than a train.

The bus ride lasts about 2 hours

FlixBus buses operate on the route from Milan to Genoa from 8:15 a.m. to 20:30 p.m. The traffic interval is about 2 hours, the number of daily flights is about 8. A trip on a non-stop route takes about 2 hours.

Most flights from Milan depart from Lampugnano Bus Station and arrive at Fanti d'Italia Bus Station in Genoa. There are also direct Flixbus flights to Genoa from Malpensa International Airport.

You can check the current schedule and prices, as well as purchase tickets online on the carrier's website.

From Milan to Genoa by car

If you travel around Italy by car, you can also get from Milan to Genoa by car. You can overcome the distance between cities in about an hour and a half.

Milan and Genoa are connected by the A7 highway. As you approach Genoa, the road becomes more and more hilly and passes through many tunnels.

The A7 highway is paid, the fare will cost about 10 euros. You can go around the toll motorway, but then you will spend about the same amount of money on gas for an extra kilometer. You can check the current gas prices in Italy on this page.

It is best to rent a car in Italy using a specialized car rental price comparison service. The largest such service in Europe is Rentalcars.

The system online compares the current prices of the largest distributors and allows you to find the most advantageous offer in a few clicks.

If you have found a car and the conditions suit you, then it is better not to delay the reservation, good options in Italy do not stagnate for a long time and the very next day such conditions may not exist.

When renting a car in Italy, we recommend immediately looking for hotels with free parking for guests, because there is a constant shortage of free parking on the streets of Milan and Genoa.

Arrival in Genoa or Milan

Both in Genoa and in Milan, the cost of hotels can bite, so it is better to choose accommodation based on the current sales of hotels. This saves up to 40-60% of the usual room rates.

A selection of current hotel promotions in Genoa:

A selection of current hotel sales in Milan:

More ideas on what to do and what to see in Genoa can be found in our section dedicated to this city.

As for plans in Milan, the following articles will come in handy:

  • What to see in Milan on your own in 1 day
  • 5 most popular excursions in Milan in Russian
  • The main attractions of Milan where you can buy tickets online

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Watch the video: Milan to Genoa by Train via Riomaggiore, Cinque Terre, Italy (June 2024).

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